Madyson's group worked at a house all week. A lady there needed to have her house painted but couldn't afford to pay someone so they scraped it and painted it for her. Madyson said the house was 3 stories tall and they had to scrape the entire thing. I think she worked very hard but enjoyed herself at the same time. She sure did bring home some stinky clothes and some jeans and t-shirts covered in paint!!
At night, all the churches would come together and have a time of worship. This was a great time for them to unwind each day. They had some great music and then a speaker. Lights out was at 11:00 each night and I don't think anyone had a problem with that. They knew they had to get some sleep so that they could be up and ready for breakfast at 6:00 the next morning! Wow....what a difference from being at home!!
Thank you to those of you that prayed for them to have a safe trip there, a safe stay, and a safe trip home. God was definitely there with them!! Here are a few things they each learned during their time away....
- "I learned that sometimes you may have to work for people that aren't very nice but you just need to deal with it. Whatever they give you to do you should do without complaining. God put me in Michigan to serve others and I just kept reminding myself of that!!'
- "Hard work is HARD!!" : )
- "I learned that it feels really good to be a blessing to someone. The lady that lives in the house we painted was really happy! Her name is Betty. She had just had a knee replacement and when she walked out to see the house she was so happy."
- "It's tough to make such good friends that live far, far away and not be able to visit them."
We haven't gotten the pics developed yet. I sent the girl off with disposable cameras so we'll have to take them in and get a CD of the pics. I'll post some when we get them...